音 控:背景音樂起(草山春暉\06草山的風\輕鬆版)
旁 白:師兄師姊欣賞完這一段的紅龜棵,您一定會會心一笑,因為在我們凡夫的我執本性裏,總是覺得自己是對的,錯都在別人身上,所以因為這樣的習氣造成我們時時不離煩惱,時時比較計較,在我慢貢高中無法體悟與人無爭與事無爭的清安自在.
[Simon]: Dear Brothers & Sisters, after the first episode, you will get the feeling that we are so used to blame others whenever things go wrong because of our nature of self-centeredness as human beings. It’s due to this nature that you and I so entangled by various troubles so that we are so good at calculation all the time to check what we have gained.
Therefore, we couldn’t feel at ease because of our egocentricity.
Now, let’s step back to give some more thoughts. What a different result of the first episode will be if we are yielding more precedence, being more considerate, more humble and more polite.
Without further ado, let’s have a look at the second episode. 紅----龜-----棵 !!
音 控:舞台燈亮
媳 婦:(一手端著紅龜棵一收揮汗辛苦樣入場)
[Victoria]: Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. Mother in law later will use these red turtle rice cakes to worship, so I have to hurry up! They have just been done, so hot! Where should I put them for cooling down? Oh, just right here!
旁 白:不久!王大嬸的兒子從外面工作回來----
[Simon]: Not long after, Aunt Wang’s son, Jackie came back from his work outside.
兒 子:(入場 一面擦汗)真熱!才做一下工作就累得要命,休息一下吧!---(往後一坐)(雙手後抱屁股又叫又跳-----)
[Jackie]: (入場 一面擦汗) Oh, Man ! The weather is so hot which makes me so exhausted. Let me find some place to rest for a while. --- (往後一坐)(雙手後抱屁股又叫又跳-----)
(媳婦 王大嬸 小姑 聞聲全衝出 來關心樣)
媳 婦:(難過樣)真失禮,是我不好,我因為找不到讓紅龜棵放涼的地方,就隨手放在長條椅上,沒想到會害您燙到,有沒有怎樣?
[Victoria]: I am so sorry. It is my fault. I could not find anywhere for cooling these red turtle rice cakes, so I just put them on this bench. I didn’t think anyone would get hurt. Are you alright?
[王大嬸]: :(難過樣) Hey, I should be the one to make apology. In the previous time, I’ll remind my daughter-in-law to bake the cake earlier. It’s my fault this time to forget reminding her and she gets to rush. That’s why everything is so messed up this time. Jackie, how is your butt ? Do you need to have a check by the doctor ?
小 姑:(難過樣)不對的是我啦!我剛剛進門時,看紅龜棵擺在椅子上,就想到可能會燙到人,卻沒有動手把它移到桌子上,才會害您燙到,真對不起!
[Pj]: No its my fault! I saw the red turtle rice cake on the chair when I came in, and I thought someone might accidentally get burned by it, but I didn’t move the rice cake, and that’s why you got burned just now. I’m so sorry!
兒 子:您們都沒有錯,錯的是我,我應該先看清楚椅子才坐,就不會燙到了,還好!只是熱熱的感覺,沒受傷!
[Jackie]: Ok, Ok. Please stop arguing. I’m the one to be cursed. I should be more mindful before having the chair so my butt won’t get burned. Luckily, my butt just felt slightly tingling.
[王大嬸]: Jackie, you are so lucky. Otherwise I’m gonna be very sorry for that.
媳 婦:好囉!沒事就好,紅龜棵都做好了,趁熱吃最Q了!我們一起進去享用吧!
[Victoria]: Well! Nothing happened and everything is fine. All the red turtle rice cakes are ready. It tastes better to eat them hot. Let’s eat them together!
小 姑:大嫂做的紅龜棵最好吃了!我一定要多吃幾個.
[Pj]: I love sister’s red turtle rice cakes! I must a lot!
媳 婦:沒問題的!
[Victoria]: No problem!
兒 子:我也正餓著.走我們一起享用吧!(一起歡喜的出場)
[Jackie]: I’m also very hungry. Come on, let’s grab something to eat. (一起歡喜的出場)
音 控:舞台燈暗
旁 白:好溫馨的一幕喔!一樣一塊紅龜棵,一樣一件事卻有全然不同的結果,這個中的道理,就讓我們一起咀嚼回味吧!
[Simon]: What a heartwarming difference at the second episode. Now let’s give it some more thoughts.
With everyone’s sincerity, politeness, humbleness and good heart, we can get things moving smoothly in Tzu Chi. And via Mater’s teachings, we are so profoundly connected with each other just like the hands and legs of a body.
(Revise the last script and sent the update version to every one.)
(Remind all brothers and sisters on 01/19 about going up the stage.)
(在正式演出的旁白結束時, 提醒在場每一位 我們帶了紅龜棵 跟大家分享)
音 控:舞台燈亮 背景音樂停
音 控:請放打油詩PPD檔
紅龜棵 真好吃 燒燒軟軟 椅了跨
紅龜棵 壓爛爛 好意出發 壞事惹
說壞話 吐毒蛇 一支刀來 雙邊插
瞋恨心 性地大 憍慢無禮 人討厭
慈濟人 好文化 自我教育 教育他
學講好話 吐蓮花 芬芳世界 人人疼
縮自己 擴大他 廣結善緣 真好命
感恩心 善解他 知足包容 好名聲啊! 好!名!聲!
- Jan 21 Tue 2014 17:00