旁 白:各位師兄師姊大家好,我們北區香山將為各位呈現我們八大腳印中的教育,上人時時叮嚀我們要學會自我教育才能教育別人,要學會自愛才能愛人,而一心想要成為慈濟人的第一要務,就是要學會縮小自己,口說好話,謙讓有禮,這是自我教育的起步,所以我們今天用這一齣紅龜棵的戲劇,一起來學習與分享
[Tom]: Hello everybody, brothers and sisters, today we will show you our North Xiangshan’s eight footprints in education. Master always exhorted us to learn to self-education in order to educate people, to learn self-love to love others. To become the Tzu- Chi volunteers the first priority is to learn to be humble, speak kind words, be polite, the start of self-education. So, today we will perform this “Red Turtle Rice Cake”, and work together to learn and share.


音 控:舞台燈暗 背景音樂起(草山春暉\03林間小路)
道 具:長條椅置舞台中間
旁 白:從前台灣人喜歡吃紅龜稞,因為紅龜稞的顏色代表著吉祥與喜氣,加上造型圓滑飽滿像徵著圓滿與富足.所以,每在過年過節家家戶戶總會做紅龜稞來增添喜氣,祭祀祖先答謝神恩.而包著香甜紅豆餡的糯米糰在蒸鍋中蒸熟成發圓的紅龜稞後,還必需要一個一個排開讓它放涼.
[Tom]: Taiwanese people of the past liked to eat red turtle rice cake, because the red color represents good luck and festivity, coupled with a round shape as a sign of a success and prosperity. So, each and every family in the Chinese Lunar New Year is always made red turtle rice cake​​ to add festivity, and to thank the divine spirits and worship their ancestors. The red turtle rice steamed rice cake with red bean filling, cooked in the steamer, and then cooled one by one in a row.
This Tomb-sweeping Festival, Aunt Wang was making a wonderful smelling red turtle rice cake....

音 控:背景音樂停
音 控:舞台燈亮 背景音樂起(草山春暉\04草山的風\俏皮版)
媳 婦:(一手端著紅龜棵一收揮汗辛苦樣入場)
[Victoria]: Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. Mother in law later will use this red turtle rice cake to worship, so I have to hurry up! They are just done, so hot! Where should I put them for cooling down? Oh, just right here!

旁 白:不久!王大嬸的兒子從外面工作回來----
[Tom]: Soon, Aunt Wang's son came back from working outside.

兒 子:(入場 一面擦汗)真熱!才做一下工作就累得要命,休息一下吧!---(往後一坐)(雙手後抱屁股又叫又跳-----)(很生氣樣----) 是誰---是誰---是那一個粗心鬼,竟然把這燒燙燙的紅龜棵放在這裡,害我燙到屁股,真可惡-----(膚著屁股樣)

媳 婦:(衝出場-----看到壓扁的紅龜棵-----慘叫一聲)呀!-------(拿起壓扁的紅龜棵----生氣樣,要找先生理論-----)您的眼睛是糊到蛤粒肉嗎!還是脫窗----我辛苦半天做好的紅龜稞在這邊放涼,您就這樣把它坐扁.平常眼睛花也就算了,紅龜稞那麼大粒,顏色那麼紅,您竟然沒看見,一屁股就這樣做下去,活該!屁股燙爛最好-------
[Victoria]: What’s wrong with your eyes? Are you blind or what? I worked so hard for these red turtle rice cakes and let them cool here. You sat on and destroyed them. Their sizes are so big, how come you did not see them here and sit on them. Burn your bottom !You deserved it!

兒 子:您----您-----(一面指著媳婦----更生氣樣)

媳 婦:我-----我---我怎麼樣,自己大目神還罵大罵小---
[Victoria]: I… I…I what? You did not pay attention on them. How could you blame others.


媳 婦:我---(委屈樣---生氣樣出場)
[Victoria]: I…


兒 子:我---我實在有夠衰,辛苦工作回來,燙到屁股還被罵大目神,我算什麼呢

小 姑:(抱著書本,生氣樣的入場)您們好吵喔!給紅龜棵燙到,又不是被火車撞到,幹嘛大驚小怪,人家明天還要考試,考不好都怪您們!
[Pj]: You guys are so loud! It was only a small burn, not like he got hit by a train, what are you guys so worked up about, I have a test tomorrow, so if I fail it’s all your fault.


小 姑:阿母呀!-------(生氣樣 出場)
[Pj]: Mom!!!


旁 白:各位師兄師姊接下來紅龜棵除了被壓爛外,可想而知在一片都是您的錯的責難中,不難想像它的結果就是----
[Tom]: With the red turtle rice cake being crushed, brothers and sisters, you can imagine them putting the blame on each other, then it is not difficult to imagine the result is…

媳婦與娘家媽媽:(媳婦向娘家媽媽哭訴委屈,娘家媽媽心疼安慰樣 入場)
旁 白:媳婦就這樣罷工回娘家,與婆家展開長期冷戰
[Tom]: So the wife decided to leave and return to her mother’s home, and began a long cold war with her husband’s family.

旁 白:兒子跑出去與朋友酗酒,發洩情緒,大醉個三天三夜,才回家---
[Tom]: The son went out drinking with his friends to vent his emotions, and came back home after being drunk for three days and three nights.

旁 白:王大嬸嘮叨兒子娶妻不賢,子女不孝,讓她心臟病高血壓失眠種種病痛纏身,而天天不離吃藥打針,痛苦的過日子
[Tom]: Aunt Wang complained all the time about her impolite daughter in law and her useless children who caused her to be burdened by many ailments, and had to live on medicine and pills every day.

小 姑:(拿著不及格的成績單---發脾氣 入場)
旁 白:小姑更不用說,考試沒考好,在家大發雷霆
[Tom]: Not to mention the sister in law, causing a commotion in the house after receiving low scores on an exam.

音 控:舞台燈暗 背景音樂停


音 控:背景音樂起(草山春暉\06草山的風\輕鬆版)
旁 白:師兄師姊欣賞完這一段的紅龜棵,您一定會會心一笑,因為在我們凡夫的我執本性裏,總是覺得自己是對的,錯都在別人身上,所以因為這樣的習氣造成我們時時不離煩惱,時時比較計較,在我慢貢高中無法體悟與人無爭與事無爭的清安自在.

音 控:舞台燈亮
媳 婦:(一手端著紅龜棵一收揮汗辛苦樣入場)
[Victoria]: Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. Mother in law later will use these red turtle rice cakes to worship, so I have to hurry up! They have just been done, so hot! Where should I put them for cooling down? Oh, just right here!

旁 白:不久!王大嬸的兒子從外面工作回來----

兒 子:(入場 一面擦汗)真熱!才做一下工作就累得要命,休息一下吧!---(往後一坐)(雙手後抱屁股又叫又跳-----)

(媳婦 王大嬸 小姑 聞聲全衝出 來關心樣)
媳 婦:(難過樣)真失禮,是我不好,我因為找不到讓紅龜棵放涼的地方,就隨手放在長條椅上,沒想到會害您燙到,有沒有怎樣?
[Victoria]: I am so sorry. It is my fault. I could not find anywhere for cooling these red turtle rice cakes, so I just put them on this bench. I didn’t think anyone would get hurt. Are you alright?


小 姑:(難過樣)不對的是我啦!我剛剛進門時,看紅龜棵擺在椅子上,就想到可能會燙到人,卻沒有動手把它移到桌子上,才會害您燙到,真對不起!
[Pj]: No its my fault! I saw the red turtle rice cake on the chair when I came in, and I thought someone might accidentally get burned by it, but I didn’t move the rice cake, and that’s why you got burned just now. I’m so sorry!

兒 子:您們都沒有錯,錯的是我,我應該先看清楚椅子才坐,就不會燙到了,還好!只是熱熱的感覺,沒受傷!


媳 婦:好囉!沒事就好,紅龜棵都做好了,趁熱吃最Q了!我們一起進去享用吧!
[Victoria]: Well! Nothing happened and everything is fine. All the red turtle rice cakes are ready. It tastes better to eat them hot. Let’s eat them together!

小 姑:大嫂做的紅龜棵最好吃了!我一定要多吃幾個.
[Pj]: I love sister’s red turtle rice cakes! I must eat a lot!

媳 婦:沒問題的!
[Victoria]: No problem!

兒 子:我也正餓著.走我們一起享用吧!(一起歡喜的出場)

音 控:舞台燈暗
旁 白:好溫馨的一幕喔!一樣一塊紅龜棵,一樣一件事卻有全然不同的結果,這個中的道理,就讓我們一起咀嚼回味吧!

音 控:舞台燈亮 背景音樂停
音 控:請放打油詩PPD檔
紅龜棵 真好吃 燒燒軟軟 椅了跨
紅龜棵 壓爛爛 好意出發 壞事惹
說壞話 吐毒蛇 一支刀來 雙邊插
瞋恨心 性地大 憍慢無禮 人討厭
慈濟人 好文化 自我教育 教育他
學講好話 吐蓮花 芬芳世界 人人疼
縮自己 擴大他 廣結善緣 真好命
感恩心 善解他 知足包容 好名聲啊! 好!名!聲!

    創作者 忘塵觀 的頭像


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